1951 R68

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1951 R68

Post by vanzen »

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Re: 1951 R68

Post by Garnet »

Is that yours? And should it not have fishtail swallowtail mufflers?

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Re: 1951 R68

Post by vanzen »

Mine, yes.
A number of details are not factory original, including the later but OEM mufflers,
the later but OEM coffee-can taillight, the Magura racing hand controls,
and the period correct Hoske "Grosse Sporttank".
Kurt in S.A.
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Re: 1951 R68

Post by Kurt in S.A. »

vanzen -

Are you aware of any on-line R68 registries? I've been capturing VIN numbers, model year, build date, etc., whenever I see any of the '50s and '60s bikes. I've created some spreadsheets which lists the information in order by VIN in a simplistic way of separating VIN by model year. I've been doing this for R69S, R68, R60-R60/2, R50-R50/2, and the R51 series. BMW Classic will provide this information when an owner requests it but my spreadsheets can be used as a rough guide as to model year. One thing I recall is that the R68 is more tightly controlled and BMW won't provide any information unless you also provide them with the number stamped on the engine case indicating the type of gearset installed. Apparently, many people try to fake an R68, they are cautious about giving out any specific data.

Thanks...Kurt in S.A.
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Re: 1951 R68

Post by vanzen »

If memory serves me, and often it does not,
Tom High of Rennsport Motorrad, Deland, Fla.
Has been collecting an R68 "registry", so you may want to contact him.
My frame plate vin = 650-570, w/ matching engine case #s.
Kurt in S.A.
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Re: 1951 R68

Post by Kurt in S.A. »

I don't have many R68 entries yet; interesting yours falls in between a couple of 1952 models from other owners. I'll see about contacting Tom.

Various books list 1952-1954 as the years for the R68. I've always assumed that is the model years and bikes could be built in 1951 but would still be 1952 models. When was your bike built?

Kurt in S.A.
Bike Model Year VIN Built
R68 1952 650255
R68 1952 650570
R68 1952 650572
R68 1953 650080
R68 1953 651058
R68 1953 650914 3/31/1953
R68 1954 651156 3/??/1953
R68 651220 6/3/1953
R68 1954 651298
R68 651327 6/??/1953
R68 1954 651360 6/21/1954

Edited to correct model year...
Last edited by Kurt in S.A. on Sun Mar 13, 2011 6:43 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 1952 R68

Post by vanzen »

First my memory, and now my damn fingers !
It will be my typing ability that should be called into question, Kurt,
the machine is indeed a 1952 !
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Re: 1951 R68

Post by Flatwins »

You're just cruel, posting that pic. :D
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Re: 1951 R68

Post by rennsportmotorrad »

I do indead have a list of most of the BMW R68 motorcycles located in the United States, I will help you any way I can as I do know more about these bikes then most people I have been researching them for a long time and own 3 of these myself. I will try to verify info for you, but I will not tell anyone who ownes a bike if I have the bike in my list but if you have one I dont know about I would love to have your info including Vin #'s to add to my list, I try to keep track of all these as best as possable I have already found 2 bikes that were non matching #'s and put them in the hands of the people who owned that Engine or Frame # so the could put another back together as a matching # bike this only adds to the value of these very rare and sought after BMW models Thank you Tom High www.rennsportmotorrad.com phone # 386-734-2496
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Re: 1951 R68

Post by PirateJohn »

<< If memory serves me, and often it does not,
Tom High of Rennsport Motorrad, Deland, Fla. >

If I may humbly make a suggestion (since this is my first post here and I know how that goes) may I suggest that you do a Google and take a hard look at Tom High before you take your bike to Rennsport Motorrad.

- High was sued by another gentleman a year or two ago because High botched a repair that had to be completed by BMW of Daytona and High refused to settle with the same gentleman for another year or two.

- In late 2010 High sold a motorcycle that belonged to me that had been in his shop after High claimed that he could not contact me despite 1) having my phone number, 2) posting extreme political content to my Facebook page right up to the time that he quietly applied for a title, 3) had me served at locations where he knew I was not at, and 4) ignored my email address which was actually lettered on the bike. Anyway, High sold the motorcycle to another gentleman and in the course of events several valuable aftermarket parts have mysteriously "vanished."

- The gentleman that bought my motorcycle even wrote to me that he feels that High took advantage of him and raised the price of the bike at a time when the purchaser was out of the country and unable to respond.

Along the same lines I am preparing a law suit against Tom High, d/b/a Rennsport Motorrad of Deland, FL. If anyone is aware of the whereabouts of the parts from my R1100GS (custom Wilbers shocks with red springs, Touratech dual headlights, Jesse luggage and top box, crashbars, custom red long-distance fuel tank from an R1150GS Adventure) please send me an email. I will be offering a modest sum for sworn statements indicating that these parts were purchased from High.
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