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Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 9:37 pm
by Sibbo
:D :D
Jeeeez ! That sounds cold , especially to a North coast boy ! Good Fun !

Do either of you hard cases have electricly heated grips ? Charlie , what kind of hand cover is Brunhilda wearing ? Mine only seems to cover half my gloves .

Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:22 pm
by ontic
Yep, a bit nippy would describe it inadequately. And remember, at heart, I'm a north coast boy too who just seems to have gotten himself stuck down the bottom here.
And no, neither of us have heated grips. I put a lot of thought into it after that ride (I think I would like to upgrade the charging system first though). I've also been contemplating some nice hand covers like Charlie made, or even something like the rubber-like overgloves that Andystraps sell, to use for 'emergency' situations like this. Usually these winter gloves I have are fine. It was the saturation of the outside with the windchill, I think, which created my problems. ... 23&Level=1

Fondling the girls jugs at our stops was pure joy.

Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 11:49 pm
by SteveD
Excellent report lads. Why didn't you stop for a picture at the Kiandra intersection? :D It's a nice spot!

My fingers were going into spasm just reading that segment of the ride report. It read cold.

Bob Bennett said he had a very cold ride over too, same route from Adaminaby, but earlier in the day I guess.

Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:53 am
by Sibbo
ontic wrote:Yep, a bit nippy would describe it inadequately. And remember, at heart, I'm a north coast boy too who just seems to have gotten himself stuck down the bottom here.
And no, neither of us have heated grips. I put a lot of thought into it after that ride (I think I would like to upgrade the charging system first though). I've also been contemplating some nice hand covers like Charlie made, or even something like the rubber-like overgloves that Andystraps sell, to use for 'emergency' situations like this. Usually these winter gloves I have are fine. It was the saturation of the outside with the windchill, I think, which created my problems. ... 23&Level=1

Fondling the girls jugs at our stops was pure joy.
I DO have heated grips on Tilly :D :D and bloody wonderful they were on the New England run ,especially around Glen Innes .I had one delicate North Coast pinky go all white and listless but generally ....WARM ! That combined with cheep crap Aldi gear and all was well !

Charlie , could you post a photo of your warmy hand covers ?? Please ?

Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 3:41 am
by ME 109
Excellent tales Charlie and Hans, what an adventure!
I was relieved and surprised to hear the two 90's pulling into the campsite well after dark, an epic journey through the wilderness you two!

Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:09 am
by dougie
SteveD wrote:
I just made this picture my computer desktop background.

Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:32 am
by Steve78RS

She'llbe and I got talking to some locals on the day of leaving. They told us that a km upstream there is some nice holes with lots of fish.

Loved your report. A ride to remember. Next trip we may have more time to sit and harn.

Steve from Dubbo

Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 7:52 am
by ontic
dougie wrote: I just made this picture my computer desktop background.
Haha, thanks, The Princess is flattered. Charlie's got the high res version of that image if it came out pixelated on the desktop.
Steve78RS wrote:Hans

She'llbe and I got talking to some locals on the day of leaving. They told us that a km upstream there is some nice holes with lots of fish.
oh you bugger, don't tell me that! I went downstream, not up... Oh well, next time.
Loved your report. A ride to remember. Next trip we may have more time to sit and harn.

Steve from Dubbo
Cheers, and indeed. Next trip will be good. More time to talk shit, and hopefully more energy on my part. I was pretty tired at Talbingo.

Ride report is almost over. One or two more contributions maybe (Charlie?), and a few more photos.

Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 5:20 pm
by Airbear
Sibbo wrote: Charlie , could you post a photo of your warmy hand covers ?? Please ?
Certainly, Peter.


First prototype. Made from two layers of canvas with a layer of Protherm bubble-wrap type insulation sandwiched. They velcro on around the handlebar and to the stem of the bar-end mirrors. I haven't figured out an elegant way to fix them to a handlebar without bar-end mirrors.

For the second prototype I think I would like to make them a bit more breast-like (they could be called a 'BarBra' ) and will probably include a wire in the opening to help keep their shape at speed. They are really effective at reducing the wind-chill, though if the gloves do get wet my hands will eventually get cold. I was wearing thin leather gloves on the trip, and my hands only numbed up a couple of times.

Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

Posted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 6:01 pm
by Sibbo
Thanks Charlie , but of course I don't have bar end mirrors ! I have a pair of plastic things which are more or less useful but I'd like to be able to cover more of my hands .I'm impressed that you only wear light gloves down south , I must be a delicate flower ! A few hours of 10c and 110 km/hr and my fingers don't work very well ,unless I have very effective gloves and shields .Matilda has heated grips and they're lovely ...the first time I've ever used them .

I'll have to do a bit of thinking Charlie , thanks for the ideas .