This RS screen cutting-down business?

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Re: This RS screen cutting-down business?

Post by SteveD »

Armaguidon13 wrote:...
Always stay with the black trim on hedge : I've tried the extended screen without, It's a pity on raining days, water goes under the screen, fall on dashboard, tank and after that on your knee !
The black plastic trim prevent from that

Never realised that! Thanks.
Cheers, Steve
Victoria, S.E.Oz.

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Re: This RS screen cutting-down business?

Post by Sunbeem »

When I cut down my RS screen, I wedged a length of bendy rod between the mirrors, giving a nice curve for a marker pen.

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Re: This RS screen cutting-down business?

Post by ME 109 »

DanielMc wrote:
And If those hands belong to someone who wears a Drizabone on a motorcycle
Ah, Daniel you must be referring to my green 'Feathertop' coat.
I bought it about ten years ago from a second hand shop for $7.00!
It had a small rip on one of the pockets which I stitched up.
I saw good potential for that coat to be a motorcycle overcoat and applied 'Drizabone' waterproofer to it.
Absolutely warm and waterproof. I never leave home without it on the bike in cooler months.
When I'm not using it, I roll it up and store it between the tank and RS fairing.

A 9" grinder with a cutting disc is quite ok for sprains and snake bite, however a 4" is better for neurosurgery.
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Re: This RS screen cutting-down business?

Post by DucatiPete »

Thanks for the heads up on the screen fastener options, Steve.
Mine is cracked at the base in a couple of places I'm guessing 'coz it's fastened with screws/nuts (obviously overtightened).
I've followed your lead and been down to SuperCheapArse and bougt a couple packs of the 'christmas tree' type.
i'll look around to see if i can find some "bendy rod" as Sunbeem did for the marking out...
now where's those cut-off discs??
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Re: This RS screen cutting-down business?

Post by Sunbeem » ... directlink

I used a brazing rod Pete, best of luck.
Have you thought of pinching ME109's idea of running a wire to an indicator repeater fibre optic, under the plastic edging on the screen ?

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Re: This RS screen cutting-down business?

Post by DanielMc »

Sunbeem - that's a 1978 R100RS Motorsport you have there, though I suppose you already knew that. The blue seats are still available from Siebenrock should you ever feel the need to spend £200 for the sake of appearances. My friend Mike has rebuilt a pile of bits that he found out half way through was a Motorsport and he's absolutely delighted with his, although it does have a later Brembo front end and a drum brake so whilst it goes as quick as a standard bike it stops significantly quicker.
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Re: This RS screen cutting-down business?

Post by ME 109 »

It's a good thing Sunbeem, I was always leaving my indicator on as the oe telltale was out of my peripheral vision.
So I rarely indicated unless people really needed to know where I was going.
Now, I can indicate to my hearts content as the led is very much in view.
I used two diodes, one led, and 'thin' multi strand insulated copper wire.
It hasn't stopped working yet. :ugeek:

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Re: This RS screen cutting-down business?

Post by DanielMc »

What size grinder is required for such delicate electrical work then ME109?

Brilliant idea by the way - I might attempt similar with the cockpit fairing on my bike.
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Re: This RS screen cutting-down business?

Post by ME 109 »

A grinderless operation Daniel, although I did use my small propane torch to solder wires onto the RS front indicator bodies etc.
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Re: This RS screen cutting-down business?

Post by moosehead »

OK, this my alternative to cutting down the windscreen...I added a piece to it. No wind blast in the neck area or face...can ride with open sheild...up to about 50 mph...then....

Used an old face sheild. Hacked it down with my 20" Stihl so a little crooked but this is my first draft and it works great! Mounted onto old screen with 2 aluminum angle brackets and nylon nuts/bolts. Works great...especially in cooler riding conditions...I don't like the throat blast...been thinking I could lite up a cigar behind this thing but the ashes might make a mess..ha ha

Here's some pix:

Used some left over edging to hide the saw marks....this is the prototype...maybe use jig saw with fine bi-metal blade for the real one.

I'm 5'11" do the math :D
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