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This RS screen cutting-down business?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:33 am
by DucatiPete
Hi all,
I'm just gonna come out and say it: I don't like the
screen on my 82
R100RS. I believe it's an aftermarket item but i'm not sure.
Anyhow, what i don't like about it is how it curls up at the cockpit edge making it look tall and ugly.
On looking at some pics of Jeff's (me 109) and Grant's (grant81rs) i like the look of those screens - which i belive have been cut down.
What i'd like to know is how much was chopped off those screens? and what it;s like sitting behind them now? Oh, and how did you guy's cut them down?
screen, as-is, seems to 'work' OK, ie no buffetting, but substaintial wind noise (though i do wear earplug so it's not so much of an issue). Am i asking for more problems? Or will looking cool and more boy-racer compensate?
Re: This RS screen cutting-down business?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 12:47 am
by ME 109
Pictures Pete?
I used a chainsaw at first but it didn't work properly. (ran out of gas)
So then I used a 4" angle grinder with an ultra thin blade. Not ideal as heat likes to melt the perspex, however it worked ok.
I tried a hacksaw blade (fine tooth) but it was too slow and grabbed a lot.
I used a felt tip marker to follow the original profile, 40mm lower.
Finished off with a file to round the edges.
screen has the black plastic trim around the top which hides any imperfections.
Cutting the
screen down hasn't caused any issues for me.

Re: This RS screen cutting-down business?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:05 am
by Duane Ausherman
It depends upon the material. I have cut plexiglass several times with the same method. I put tape on each side and then use a sabre saw, jig saw.
Re: This RS screen cutting-down business?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:13 am
by SteveD
Hi Pete.
I'm 186cm screen is cut to 340mm from front to top.
When riding, the flow is just under the helmet chin piece. It could be another 2 cm lower from the helmet.
It's a huge improvement over the oem size, so I haven't bothered going further.
Texta marked the screen. Used a new hack saw blade and just took my time. It doesn't take too long, and rushing won't help.
As Jeff said, then tidy it up to a smooth straight line and use the oem black strip to cover the edge. That strip or something similiar can be found at Clarks Rubber.
Re: This RS screen cutting-down business?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:11 am
by DucatiPete
Steve says: "340mm from front to top"
I'll check this size out... with current setup the wind hits me at about my forehead. I'm guessing i'm going to have to cut off abt 80mm so i suspect the wind's gonna hit me smack in the face. It's a crap screen anyhow (several cracks). If it all turns pear-shaped i'll spring for a new one. I bought a bead from m;bins coz it was something like 4.50lbs or roughly $AU6 - which i bet would be cheaper than those rouges at Clarke Rubber!
I ain;'t got a chainsaw but i have got a 9" grinder - i bet that'll cut it! (Maybe i should get some wider rubber.)
Anyhow, thanks for the insight.
Re: This RS screen cutting-down business?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 3:41 am
by ME 109
Munich Motorcycles have (had?)2 screens to choose from for the RS. Standard height and extended.
I bought the extended a few years ago and that is what I cut down.
They list $175 for dark tint, light tint or clear.
A 9" grinder is a surgical instrument in the right hands

Re: This RS screen cutting-down business?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:35 am
by DanielMc
ME 109 wrote:A 9" grinder is a surgical instrument in the right hands

And If those hands belong to someone who wears a Drizabone on a motorcycle he probably means he's used a 9" grinder in an outback medical emergency - sprained ankle or a migraine maybe, possibly a snakebite...
Re: This RS screen cutting-down business?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 6:43 am
by SteveD
DucatiPete wrote:Steve says: "340mm from front to top"
I'll check this size out... with current setup the wind hits me at about my forehead. I'm guessing i'm going to have to cut off abt 80mm so i suspect the wind's gonna hit me smack in the face. It's a crap screen anyhow (several cracks). If it all turns pear-shaped i'll spring for a new one.
80mm sounds about right. The screen Grant has was an older poor condition screen. If the cracks are at the edge to be cut, then trimming will be a good cosmetic thing. The usual cracks are around the rivet points if someone has used nuts and bolts to hold a screen on. That's one advantage of the upholstery studs I use.

1. My preference. Easy and reuseable. From supercheapauto. Push resistence fit using the oem brass spacers to fix the dash to the fairing. 30 seconds to remove/replace.
2. Nut and bolt. A popular method, but overtightening can cause cracks to the screen and removal/replacement is tedious.
3. Oem. Pita to use, easily buggered. Won't crack screen.
It's also an option to paint the screen as Grant did. It makes an old screen look better and at the very least may delay the next purchase.
Re: This RS screen cutting-down business?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:29 am
by dougie
Duane Ausherman wrote:It depends upon the material. I have cut plexiglass several times with the same method. I put tape on each side and then use a sabre saw, jig saw.
I have done it that way as well.
Use a slow speed so the friction doesn't melt the plexi.
Re: This RS screen cutting-down business?
Posted: Sun Jul 17, 2011 7:41 am
by Armaguidon13
I've tried a extended windscreen without so good result. Bolted with flat sctew and nylstop bolts.
Always stay with the black trim on hedge : I've tried the extended screen without, It's a pity on raining days, water goes under the screen, fall on dashboard, tank and after that on your knee !
The black plastic trim prevent from that