I obtained an extra right peg from PITApan. Here's how it looked after I got the powdercoat people to blast the plating off it and the original one from my bike:
They were both a bit bent from various incidents. I got the cheater pipe out and bent them out just a bit, then it was time to clean up the forge part lines:
A little grinding to get a flat spot on the peg and a lot of grinding on my pivot extension to get a weldable bevel later, it was time to jig it up for tack welds:
Muriel helped with that--so many moving parts!
The shift lever and the shifter stub on the trans needed to be tapped to M6 to use the pivot ball:
And the connecting bit needed to be shortened and threads cut:
I left it a bit long--it's easy enough to shorten it a mm or two at a time.
And here it is, mocked up:
It seems to work!
Please do not let your eyes linger on the world's ugliest tack welds. That will be dealt with once I get a bigger tip for the torch. A #3 barely made the metal sweat, let alone puddle.
Coming up: better welds, PC for the pegs, and my tires are in!