It's one piece of Oreo glued with some yellow frosting to a slightly larger vanilla wafer. Tasty!
With the parking lot curios satisfied I got my earplugs in, helmet and gloves on, and I pointed the bike south. I'd been hoping to take the old 99 alignment over most of Siskiyou pass, but the road was out, so again it was right back to I-5. Just over the border, though, I turned off I-5 onto Hwy 96 and rode it the whole length back to Willow Creek and Hwy 299. Another excellent road, blighted just a bit by all the smoke, particularly around Happy Camp. 96 pretty much follows the Klamath River canyon to Hoopa. Here's a smoky view:
And the river itself:
In less smoky times, lotsa people raft and kayak the Klamath. Where I took those pix, I had time to get off the bike, unleash an Austin Powers unfreezing level piss, take the pix, and get regeared (gloves and helmet) without any traffic coming by either way.
Anyway, I got safely home and am now trying to figure out how I'll get to the eclipse in 2024. I have family near the path of totality, but the eclipse is happening with a week to go in tax season. I may need to get a different line of work.