So I permanantly blocked my oil filter bypass

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Re: So I permanantly blocked my oil filter bypass

Post by Wobbly »

ME 109 wrote: Fri Aug 03, 2018 6:48 pm Couldn't find the adaptor on the site. Doesn't the remote oil filter hang off the front of the engine? Might not fit inside an RS fairing.
The one and only one I've seen was years ago, but the above part is not the device. I thought it was an adapter that attached to the oil filter's present position. And then allowed a third party "oil filter head" to be connected by rubber oil hoses which could be mounted anywhere.

As such, you could do the same yourself, and much cheaper. Procure a GS oil filter cover (which does not have the thermal control unit inside). Make up a turned aluminum tube to take the place of the present cartridge filter. Then in place of the GS oil cooler you add your external spin-on oil filter.

Pretty simple and would pay for itself. When I did this years ago on a Triumph 650, I standardized on filters for the 1998 Toyota 4-cyl which cost $3 ea. When was the last time you got a $3 filter for a BMW ? :lol:

The point remains. The spin-on filters have that by-pass valve built in.
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Re: So I permanantly blocked my oil filter bypass

Post by gspd »

The coolest thing would be a canister filter similar in size and shape to our paper filters, with a 3/8 square hole in the end to tighten and loosen it, that would screw in (like an automotive filter) into the (modified) hole in the engine block and end up almost flush with where the (now eliminated) cover plate was. Filter changes would be such a breeze.
Mechanic from Hell
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Re: So I permanantly blocked my oil filter bypass

Post by ME 109 »

That's a good concept, Wobbly. I'll look into that and see where I can hide a filter in the fairing.
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Re: So I permanantly blocked my oil filter bypass

Post by ME 109 »

gspd wrote: Sat Aug 04, 2018 9:54 am The coolest thing would be a canister filter similar in size and shape to our paper filters, with a 3/8 square hole in the end to tighten and loosen it, that would screw in (like an automotive filter) into the (modified) hole in the engine block and end up almost flush with where the (now eliminated) cover plate was. Filter changes would be such a breeze.
Where to find such a filter.... Still need a cover plate to seal the crank case?
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Re: So I permanantly blocked my oil filter bypass

Post by ME 109 »

I went out hunting this afternoon but the only sports bikes I saw in the right place were going the other way.
Restrained as usual, I didn't turn around and chase them.
Red line several times and nothing blew, not that I know of anyway.

On the way home I called in to see Charlie, and we further discussed the situation of a remote filter.
Having an RS, I can conceal a filter behind the rh fairing lower, almost straight up from the oil filter.
What I need is a cover plate with an outlet and inlet. Or I could perhaps use a modified thermostat, as it already has the in and out. Question is, could the thermostat galleries cope with the full flow? I suppose it could, if the thermostat takes the full oil flow when the ports are fully open. Of course the oil cooler radiator would become obsolete, unless it was plumbed in a way that it could be manually opened for summer etc.
Hmmm, I guess the GS's without a thermostat expose the radiator to the full oil flow.

Bottom line I spose is that a clean oe oil filter should be able to handle the full oil flow without the bypass function.
It just means that I need to remember that, and change the filter with every oil change. Bit of a pain on my bike because the headers are very close to the thermostat and need to be moved out of the way.
As has been mentioned by Wobbly, a remote filter has the bypass built in, and also has the benefit of being a shit load cheaper and easier to change the oil filter.

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Re: So I permanantly blocked my oil filter bypass

Post by Seth »

The filter cover on my 94 R100 Mystic is a simple casting that has 2 hoses that bring the oil up to a cooler mounted under the steering head by the horn. The filter cover looks pretty standard for the o-ring design. No thermostat.
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Re: So I permanantly blocked my oil filter bypass

Post by ME 109 »

Thanks Seth,
I'll start searching for components and see how I can make this work.
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Re: So I permanantly blocked my oil filter bypass

Post by Wobbly »

With the non-thermostat cover fitted and the internal filter blanked out, you could run an external cooler and filter, it just depends upon how much external hose you want.

OR, remembering that an external spin-on filter also serves as an oil cooler, simply plumb the single item. It all depends upon your ambient temperature where you ride.

One thing to remember about spin-on filters... due to the internal valve there is a definite input and output port.
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Re: So I permanantly blocked my oil filter bypass

Post by ME 109 »

I checked a parts supplier website and yes, the mystic type cover is the one.

I discussed running an external filter and cooler with Charlie, and as you say Wobbly it's just more plumbing and a perhaps a three way tap, after the oil filter. Ha, at least the oil cooler would work properly without the silly wax cartridge!

Need to look for a stand alone oil filter base, or cut one off something. That shouldn't be too difficult.
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Re: So I permanantly blocked my oil filter bypass

Post by gspd »

Mechanic from Hell
"I remember every raging second of it...
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