Contactless ignition system?

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Contactless ignition system?

Post by chris55 »

Greetings all, and I must say it is good to be back on this wonderful site!
My BMW R60/2 1968 12 volt model, has been off the road now for the last 5 years. High time to get it up and running again.
I live in Norway and it is difficult obtaining spare parts. I have no spark at the plugs what so ever.
I have been on Uli’s site, and they offer a contactless ignition system, as my BM is 12 volt, due to it being a Swedish ex Police bike, I was wondering if the new ignition system will work, with a 12 volt system?
Any info will be most welcome!
Kind regards
Chris Dowkes.
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Contactless ignition system?

Post by chris55 »

Sorry I posted my question on the wrong forum!
I own a BMW R60/2 1968 12 volt ex Swedish police bike.
I live in Norway and it has become rather difficult to obtain spare parts.
My bike has been off the road for 5 years, and it is time to get it up and running again!
I have no spark at the plugs at all, and checking the net I found that Uli’s site offers a contactless ignition system! Will this work with a 12 volt system, and has anyone fitted this too their bike??
Any info would be most welcome as this is quiet an expensive option.
Keep up the great work on this wonderful site!
Kind regards
Chris Dowkes.
Rob Frankham
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Re: Contactless ignition system?

Post by Rob Frankham »

Electronic ignition is generally a good investment but I would want to get the bike up and running again with the original equipment first... that way you will be starting with a reasonable basis for comparison and a knowledge of what is and isn't working when you try the upgrade. I don't know which ignition setup Uli offers butm if you are concerned about it's applicability to your machine, it would be best to ask them. I believe, however, that it has a magneto ignition system rather than a Kettering type system so the voltage of the bike electrics isn't important.

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Re: Contactless ignition system?

Post by chris55 »

Uli’s say that the system is for 6 volt only, which leaves me not being able to use it, as my BM is 12 volt.
Thanks for your reply, so it looks like I will have to stick with the original, points and condenser for now,
If I can get hold of the parts?
Many thanks
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Re: Contactless ignition system?

Post by Zombie Master »

I think you need to figure out why you have no spark. Does it currently have points and condenser ignition?
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Re: Contactless ignition system?

Post by jagarra »

This source in the UK should have the parts you need

The old points systems is pretty durable and easy to troubleshoot. On my old Triumph, they have not been changed in over 30+ years, I just lubricated block and clean contacts. If they open and the condenser isn't shorted you should be getting spark as long as your battery is charged up and coils are good. Changing to a new system will only compound any issues you have, I would get the bike running with the stock system first.
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Re: Contactless ignition system?

Post by chris55 »

Yes my R60/2 1968 12volt still has the condenser and points ignition! I have now new points and a new condenser! Still no spark at plugs.
Could somebody tell me the exact placing of the wires on the points, as I may have connected them wrongly?
It should start without a battery, as it has magneto ignition!
Thanks in advance.
Kurt in S.A.
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Re: Contactless ignition system?

Post by Kurt in S.A. »

Look at the last post in this's for an R51/3 but basically the same. It's important to get the stack up of wires and washers because if you don't you will create a path to ground which you don't want for the magneto.

Are you familiar with the safety gaps on the magneto system? These are small triangular shaped points that are positioned a little below where the spark plug wires terminate at the coil. These must be about 10-11mm distance from the spark plug wire ends. Any closer, and the spark will jump to these points and not travel to the plugs. If it is too large, you can create a problem when/if you have an ignition problem and the spark can't travel down to the must have a "safety" spot to jump too...too large of a gap and the spark can't go anywhere and that can damage the system.

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Re: Contactless ignition system?

Post by chris55 »

Great information and picture link, Kurt!
I have new spark plugs, points and condenser, and still no joy of a spark, mmm!
I will recheck everything today, as I am sure it could be something simple, like a short to ground.
I have run my R60/2 1968 12 volt without a battery for many years with no problem!
Thanks again this information is invaluable!
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