I can't let you on to all my tricks all at once, but OK, here's another time saver and eye candy booster.
Again, this is a non-concours mod that nobody really notices but keeps my bike looking 'new'.
Exhaust ceramic chrome coating https://www.koolcoatceramiccoatings.com ... tings.html eliminates and prevents corrosion, and practically eliminates cleaning and maintenance. Dirt and mud just don't stick to it now. And it doesn't turn blue. Even after a tough day of 'mudding' just a quick wipe to dust it off and it looks like new again. Cost me about $300 to coat my complete exhaust. This coating holds the heat in (which is apparently a good thing) so I didn't coat the header nuts, I just filed off all the rough casting lines and polished them up.
Note: An area that is always hard to access and clean is around and behind the front exhaust crossover. As you have all observed, that's where all the crap thrown off the front tire accumulates and cooks on and it's a PITA to access and clean. I eliminated my crossover pipe decades ago. Those crossovers do very little (or nothing at all?) performance wise on a 2 into 1 system (see HPN) and their "overall performance benefit" can be somewhat debatable (but not here, not now) even on some 2 into 2 systems. The bike sounds way better (to my ears) without it anyway. The bottom pic is after about 80,000 km.