R65 Rob wrote:I plan on taking at least two days each direction to travel the 500 miles (~800 km) trip to the MOA national rally, this year. I hope to avoid Interstate highways as much as possible. See if I can bring the joy back to my motorcycling experience.
I'm thinking that might get you a thousand miles and some fun in the saddle, but not an iron butt cert.
Here is the link to the Official Iron Butt Rides and Ride Rules...
StephenB wrote:Congrats, Dave! Welcome to the club. Which ride did you do?
The Saddlesore 1000. I had rolled back in from the smokyes on a Wednesday after completing 956 miles that day.
The wife joked that I should put back on my gear and ride the other 50 miles for the Iron Butt but I told her that
I hadn't done the proper paper work so...... I spent the next day reading the rules and looking over the bike and
went back out that Friday and did the full 1k here in Texas. Looped from Dallas, to Odessa, to San Antonio,
Austin, then back to Dallas. I did the whole thing in about 16 hours including stops.
Next ride will be the Saddlesore 3000 ( I had to complete the 1k before being allowed to do the 3k ).
I have started the planning now!!!!
Chuey wrote:Dave, did you send in ride stuff about a ride you did? I've done 823 miles on the RS but it tied me in knots. I'd like to try a more upright bike for the high mileage, or get younger and healthier somehow.
Just setting in a chair for 16-18 hours can be painful for some. I was on the R1100RSL which does sit a little more
upright but not like an RT. Good ergonomics is a must. For me, I start hurting around the 200 mile mark, but
by the 400 mile mark my bones get adjusted and my body stops nagging me (or my nerves get so over worked that
they just stop reporting)
Record keeping and understanding their rules is very important.
It could mean having to doing the ride over again.
Here is "some" of the ride stuff I sent in......
Code: Select all
Arrived___Departed___Gallons___Gas Total___GPS Miles
I had Major Traffic Delays through San Antonio and Austin.