I've been looking at various K75s around though there aren't that many of them out there but the specs look very impressive .Lots of horsepower ,torque , fast ,excellent fuel consumption .The motor looks bulletproof .
Also heavy ,kinda ugly and nowhere as pretty as my ST ... however ,any experience ?
"You ain't gonna learn what you don't want to know"
The Grateful Dead
Ugly? I think it is a very sexy-looking motorcycle. I would want one if I never had to worry about taking the fairing apart. I saw that done last month, and it wasn't pretty. Sort of like the milkshake machine I saw at McDonalds one day many years ago. It was having a very bad day. It cured me of their "milkshakes" forever.
There's one in nearby city there is stripped down one ,no fairing ,very minimal ....and probably a bit lighter too .I wonder how much effect the fairing has on the fuel consumption figures, which are pretty good by any standards .
"You ain't gonna learn what you don't want to know"
The Grateful Dead
When they first came out, all the buzz about them was that there was no buzz.
The K75 triple was said to be free of the annoying high frequency vibration of the four cylinder K100.
I've spent most of my money on women, motorcycles, and beer.
The rest of it I just wasted.
Yeah ,especially the gas part .My ST gets 42mpg Oz ,the K75 is listed at 64mpg Oz .That adds up to half as much again riding for the same money .That I like cos I'm not that impressed with the R80 economy and for a really long trip it adds up .
"You ain't gonna learn what you don't want to know"
The Grateful Dead