WTT: R75/5 engine #2988429
I would like to trade the engine for a complete R100RS fairing in good condition, no need for perfection but definitely no major structural damage. The engine is located in Southern Ontario. Logistics TBD, but local deal Cambridge/Buffalo/Detroit/Erie +/- 150mls preferred. The engine can be crated and shipped at cost though.
The engine is believed to have 26.923mls and comes with the original (!) frame headstock plaque (http://www.stephenbottcher.net/ForSale/P1020872.JPG, http://www.stephenbottcher.net/ForSale/P1020873.JPG). During a major maintenance at 22,291mls, the matching frame with the VIN #2988429 was found to be bent beyond repair and thus destroyed by the person attempting the repair (name on file).
Engine is completely assembled (except for the carbs), the following is NOT included: clutch, alternator rotor, alternator stator, diodeboard, air intake tubes, airfilter housing and starter. However, Starter cover with rubber hood and front engine cover as well as ignition components (points/mechanical advance) are included. This is negotiable.
Long term project ... not urgent.
More deails and pictures here: http://www.stephenbottcher.net/ForSale/750cc.htm
WTT: my R75/5 engine for your R100RS fairing
WTT: my R75/5 engine for your R100RS fairing
Some of the above is fact, some is fiction, some is my personal imagination and some is just simple truth. [me]