Rack/Luggage fitting, will it fit?

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Rack/Luggage fitting, will it fit?

Post by Lasse »

Found this on eBay.

http://cgi.ebay.de/Krauser-Koffer-Trage ... 211wt_1137

Wondered if anyone could tell me if it'd fit my R60/6 I know the ad says /6 /7, but hey, it's eBay!

Regards, Lasse
Kurt in S.A.
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Re: Rack/Luggage fitting, will it fit?

Post by Kurt in S.A. »

The ad implies that it came off an R100/7. If that's the case, IIRC the rear subframe and mounting points would be the same on a /6 and /7. Probably not for the SWB /5.

Kurt in S.A.
Rob Frankham
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Re: Rack/Luggage fitting, will it fit?

Post by Rob Frankham »

This is the earliest type of 'hard case' rack supplied by BMW and was supplied to fit the /6 series so, yes, it will fit a R90/6... however... it's worth knowing that you'll have to lose the chrome grab handle from the rear seat.

It will also fit a /7 but I'm not so sure about a /5 since BMW didn't supply hard bags for the /5 series. That being said, I've no doubt that, with a bit of 'fettling' it could be made to fit since the rear subframes are very similar.

You only start to get real problems on models with the cowled seats... R90s, R100RS, R100s and models after 1980. The rack will still fit... sort of... but you will be unable to open the seat (or, since you need the seat open to fit the rack, close it which is even more inconvenient :) ) There is a solution to that, which involves removing the seat hinges and fitting locating pins so that the seat can be lifted vertically off.

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