Nice thing is that the Magura costs about half the price of the refurb kit for the original MC (in Oz it is $190!!). And it looks like it’s meant to be there.
Here is the final result …

And here is a link to a thread on ADV that inspired the project
The Magura MC is a 13mm Series 225. Cost: US$87, from Amazon. There are other suppliers. A suitable brake light switch costs an additional $13. ... B001J8MSDE
Here’s how I went about it -
The mod is particularly suited to the 74 model with the /5 switch gear. My bike has the euro bars, which are a little narrow, so I lathed up some handlebar extensions. These add an extra 25mm each side, and are drilled and tapped for bar-end mirrors.

So, just hack off the brake lever part …

Bog and paint. I used thickened epoxy.

I had a local bloke make up a ss brake line – cost: $70.
Here's how the MC and throttle fit on the bars. The MC clamp is very close to the bend in the bar - thus the need for the extensions.

The verdict: Highly recommended. I am delighted with the result. I did have the old MC working well, using all the usual tricks. It was adequate for solo riding most of the time, but with a load or a passenger its shortcomings led to far too many arse-puckering close calls with cars and critters. Then there was the problem of the old one leaking and dribbling brake fluid all over the frame. This had obviously happened many times on mine over the decades, with resulting nasty rust pitting.
(Edited to add: I've just been for a decent ride and tested the brake further. The pads are now bedded in properly and I'm thinking that the braking performance is more like a 100% improvement. The difference is frankly astonishing!)