Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

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The Bigfella
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Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

Post by The Bigfella »

I think the first heated handgrips I ever saw were on an airhead at the '77 Alpine Rally. One of the guys had a setup that involved copper tube wrapped around the headers... filled, I think, with water and it piped up into the handlebars. No need for a pump.
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Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

Post by Airbear »

The Bigfella wrote:I think the first heated handgrips I ever saw were on an airhead at the '77 Alpine Rally. One of the guys had a setup that involved copper tube wrapped around the headers... filled, I think, with water and it piped up into the handlebars. No need for a pump.
Ah, now that is a proper Australian sort of 'make-do' modification.
I hope it was done 'with the materials at hand' and there was fencing wire involved.
and Brunhilde - 1974 R90/6

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Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

Post by moosehead »

Excellent pics and story lads...finally caught up reading the whole thread...made this rainy, wind filled day move by fast!

By the end I was starving, thirsty and willing to face the elements...so off the the local pub, quaffed a few ales with the lads, pigged out on pickled eggs and walked home in the rain...yep, you fellows got me motivted! :mrgreen:

Look forward to the next adventure!
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Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

Post by moosehead »

Excellent pics and story lads...finally caught up reading the whole thread...made this rainy, wind filled day move by fast!

By the end I was starving, thirsty and willing to face the elements...so off the the local pub, quaffed a few ales with the lads, pigged out on pickled eggs and walked home in the rain...yep, you fellows got me motivted! :mrgreen:

Look forward to the next adventure!
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Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

Post by moosehead »

Why does this thing double post?? I'm sure I only "submitted" once...hmmmm
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Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

Post by Airbear »

moosehead wrote:Why does this thing double post?? I'm sure I only "submitted" once...hmmmm
A worthy post should be read more than once, Moose.

How are your Oz visit plans progressing? If you make it down to this neck of the woods (Victoria / New South Wales border) there is a spare R65 available to do a bit of exploring. The bloke who owns it works 7 days a week and is pleased if somebody gives it a workout occasionally. We could easily arrange some spare riding and camping gear and would love to show you around.
and Brunhilde - 1974 R90/6

Graduate, Wallace and Gromit School of Engineering and Design (Pending)
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