...So with a break in the weather over here I managed to spend some time with my toolbox and the Bike today.
The bike is still running rough intermittently but I am sure, it is NOT fuel or air related. I think it is electrical.
After extensive reading and re-reading and re-reading on this site on ABC and Snowbum's site, I am leaning toward two things. Either a faulty coil (I have two...dual plugged) or a dodgy ignition kill switch.
I did an ignition sensor test today (the 'bean can') but I am not 100% that the test was accurate (first time nerves) as I could not find the 3pin plug mentioned everywhere. Rather I have three individual wires, green, red and b n' w, trailing off toward the control Unit. After disconnectiong all three wires, I attached a spare piece of wire to the middle/ red wire, unscrewed and replugged and secured one spark plug the the cylinder head and with Ignition 'ON', I earthed the spare cable...Nothing. I am led to believe that, considering the test was accurate, it should spark. That it didn't spark means I have faulty coil(s) or ICU. I intend to test coils ASAP.
I will also be renewing my heat sink paste.
The reason I am leaning toward electrical rather than fuel is two fold.
1. The BMW specialist mechanic timed and tuned the bike and it was running fine for a while.
2. Snowbum's site describes my symptoms to the tee; "...typically will idle OK, but won't raise its rpm up properly. This problem acts somewhat similarly to a hole in the carburetor diaphragms. The actual problem is a poor ignition kill switch at the bars."
So, with new found eagerness, I attempted to have a look inside kill switch to see if I could establish, from my new found electrical experience, a way to bypass the kill switch to eliminate that problem...Without consulting the manual I soon realised I had opened the throttle cable canister rather than the switch. Things went 'ping' and a little chain went slack and the throttle grip nearly slid off the bar. Into the deep, the best way to learn. I managed to get it all back together but alas, as I silently suspected, when I started the machine, the revs were WAY UP

So, any guidance here would be brilliant too (am I infiltrating my own thread with a different topic??)
To sum up for now....I understand there are often more than a few ways to say or call something related to mechanics, or anything for that matter, and I am looking about and learning; but some terminology as a newbie I can't understand....
'Emission plumbing': I'm leaning toward exhaust, right...??? If so, its stock...
'Carb circuits'/ 'low throttle circuits' : Are these an electrical wires controlling the carbs function somehow??
I feel so much closer to the machine