Re: Rally des Elephants Film
Posted: Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:27 am
vanzen, I agree completely. I just have a problem with those that use heated grips instead of Hippo Hands. Of Hippo Hands, summer gloves and heated grips, if I had to do without one of those three, it would be the heated wrote:Hippos have worked relatively well for me on the coldest of winter days in Michigan –
wearing my usual summer leather gloves and without added heat of any kind.
Heated grips merely keep the palms of my hands warm
while the backs of my hands and the 4 fingers that are always on the levers FREEZE
at highway speeds and temps approaching freezing.
Gloves insulated well enough to keep the cold out, even the electric ones, are just too bulky
and compromise my comfort-ability to work the controls.
This will be my experience.
I no longer ride year round, but still get out when the pavement's clear.
And I can say this, also from experience:
The combination, Hippos, summer leather gloves, & heated grips –
is the absolute CAT'S proverbial ASS combination
for warm hands & dexterity when riding in the cold.