Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

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Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

Post by ontic »

in the writing of this, I've crossed posts with Charlie, so forgive me, but we are doubling up a bit.

so, we've bunkered down in the hut. The bedroom huts roof has been re-secured, the dunnies roof wired down, the bikes secured down and covered, the front window patched with orange plastic and so on. We have firewood, food and booze, all in pretty decent amounts. There is not much to it but to settle in and get comfortable.
This is again a later photo but it gives the feel. It's cold wet and windy out there.

For me, in these instances particularly, I love cooking. I believe the first night we got to the farm, somewhat frozen, sore and crazed, between drinking way too much scotch, and probably some other things, we also devoured another excellent steak and potatoes. That's right, I just got the vision of it. A nice big juicy Rib Eye, picked up in a country town earlier in the day.
The next day, a tad hungover, I made a bit of a vegetarian curry type thing, quite simple. Just for a little while at least, we were trying to 'keep mum happy'. Surprisingly to me we both quite enjoyed it, especially the still crunchy broccoli, and this was probably helped by having survived on steak and potatoes and 'road food' for a couple of days.
Anyway, the vege curry was gap-fill. There was something else brewing. A nice big hunk of pork rubbed with all sorts of herbs and spices and was now starting its 24 hour slow smokey cook over the fire.

meat is top right,

life at the hut was settling in to a nice routine. Coffees in the morning for me, all day and night for Charlie, Charlies excellent porridge or pancakes for breakfast, or the full egss mushies and bacon episode, lots of reading, and when 'we were good' some little nips of single malt and then rations from the cheaper bottle- and boy, were we good! The nights were filled with the drifting and wandering search for AM radio stations and alerts about extreme weather.
The view continued.

after 24 hours slow roasting in the heat and smoke, with many changes of position as the fire evolved and devolved, and a final blast with some high heat to get the crackling just right, the meat was judged ready.
and one action shot borrowed from Charlies album

The meat was good. Firm yet still juicy. The crackling was crackled. Hut life continued.
I would usually finish these meals with a deep sigh and rub on the belly with a 'wow, I really needed that.' Every meal. I really needed it. Really.
Being always 'very good' the shot glasses would be filled, another half dozen trunk-like logs chucked on the fire, the chocolate ration (surgically isolated from the slab with its own wrapper by charlie and a sharp knife) would be dolled out, and then, quite often, seeing as though some bastard had drunk our shot glasses while we weren't looking, and seeing as though we had been after all, so good, we would fill up another.
It was a tough life.

The pork had a round two within a fire toasted cheesy sandwich the next day, and ended up having a round three and four within what can only be described as 'the week of the bean stew'. The bean stew, (chickpeas actually as I couldn't find dried red kidneys at the supermarket) despite its size and longevity didn't seem to get photographed by me. It will be a story for next time anyway.

At some point, the worst of the wind had blown itself out, and though it and the rain would return in violent reinforcements, on occasion, we started to get some nice days.

we even went for a few walks.
1974 R90/6
1981 R80G/S
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Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

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Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

Post by Airbear »

justoneoftheguys wrote:Where exactly were the huts?

http://maps.google.com/maps?client=fire ... 77162&z=14
Rob, the owners of the huts do not want the location made public. There was a robbery there a couple of years ago - pretty well everything of value was stolen, and they are just getting things comfortable again. About 30 minutes out of Jindabyne will have to do. In local parlance that's about a 'two stubbies' or 'one bong' drive.
and Brunhilde - 1974 R90/6

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Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

Post by Sibbo »

Airbear wrote:
justoneoftheguys wrote: They do look like they could make a mean steak - the free-range ones, anyway. None of that corn-fed crap for me! :lol:
O yes, 'roo meat is very fine eating - almost no fat but the meat is tender if done right.
Commonly known as Skippy :lol:

I don't eat much meat , but Skippy is about as good as it gets , along with wabbit .
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Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

Post by Zombie Master »

Fine post thanx! :)
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Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

Post by Deleted User 287 »

Airbear wrote: Rob, the owners of the huts do not want the location made public. There was a robbery there a couple of years ago - pretty well everything of value was stolen, and they are just getting things comfortable again. About 30 minutes out of Jindabyne will have to do. In local parlance that's about a 'two stubbies' or 'one bong' drive.
That is understandable. They look well kitted, and definitely "away from it all".

And thanks for believing that I am Rob.
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Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

Post by Airbear »

justoneoftheguys wrote: ... And thanks for believing that I am Rob.
I'd like to extend a warm welcome to the new guy, (who believes he is Rob, but that's ok, of course. Stranger things have happened here.)

ps: [Aside] I suspect that 'Justoneoftheguys' may prove to be a bit immoderate at times, so watch out, eh?
and Brunhilde - 1974 R90/6

Graduate, Wallace and Gromit School of Engineering and Design (Pending)
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Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

Post by Deleted User 287 »

"Gee, I wish I'd spent more time at work." ~ Rob - on his deathbed.

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Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

Post by ontic »

The Bigfella wrote:Excellent guys... looking forward to more.

I trust you guys are joining us on the 25th up at Fingal Head? Phil is riding his oilhead up from Adelaide, and I'm taking the F650 up on Friday 24th.

C'mon.... more....
Not a chance for me either Ian. I've got way too much to do, all the stuff that finishing the thesis had pushed off. I've also got little money and lotsa debt. This ride was a much required reward, but it will be a little while before I could justify another one- to myself let alone my significant other. I've had a lovely week recovering and re-adjusting from this latest adventure, and this coming week I'll be back to work.

I will try to book in the upcoming run to She'll Be's place (May is it? something like that) and will try to fit in something before then as well.

There are a few thread-degradation-worthy bike topics I want to address before my next long ride anyway. Load distribution/weight balance on my bike (moving weight forward more to avoid the negative handling issues I experienced) and also a major change in my handlebar set up. My hands and wrists are still sore. I think I need higher and wider bars and possible fatter grips.
And on thread degradation, we'll also have to cover properly at some point the cold starting technique discovered, Charlie's new speedo, and surely a few other things.
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Re: Ride Report: Bethanga, Melbourne, Barry Way and Talbingo

Post by Sibbo »

ontic wrote: There are a few thread-degradation-worthy bike topics I want to address before my next long ride anyway. Load distribution/weight balance on my bike (moving weight forward more to avoid the negative handling issues I experienced) and also a major change in my handlebar set up. My hands and wrists are still sore. I think I need higher and wider bars and possible fatter grips.
And on thread degradation, we'll also have to cover properly at some point the cold starting technique discovered, Charlie's new speedo, and surely a few other things.
Yep , those are a few of the topics I'm interested in hearing about too .We have to get the right bars for you Hans ...what has Ross got in stock ? How about a photo of your current set up ?
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