Yes. You get off Horses and then tie them up because horses can stand by themselves. On motorcycles, you put down kickstands, get stable, then get off. Otherwise you end up with way more weight wanting to fall over then humans can deal with.melville wrote:Am I the only one who gets off the bike before deploying any stands?
I should stop now. But I won't.
Stock stands on my 75 and 79 were just too stupid to consider. Probably the price for owning only Japanese bikes before them. They both have Brownstands now.
My worst near-miss involved a left-turn-stand-up due to leaving the kickstand down. The bump put the stand up for me, so the second try at the turn worked with inches to spare.
The kill-switch fix is so much simpler and safer than BMW's spring loaded idea. The engineer that came up with that kickstand should be locked in a room with the guy who came up with the under-tank master cylinder and forced to watch day-time television for the rest of his life.