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Re: R100R 1993

Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 9:35 pm
by Souljer

Haven't gone because it's not until Wednesday. November 20-24; 10-20 o'clock (10AM - 8PM).
I am planing on going Wednesday or Thursday. I'd like to beat any weekend crowds if I can. I just hurt my back today so I'll probably drive my truck down and I'll be bringing my Roadcrafter.

I did call today though.
They will have everything there to try on and discuss, but you will not be able to purchase and take home. It's more of a fitting and testing event. Once you've worked out your needs and decided on something, then you can order it and they'll make it and send it to you from AEROstich HQ.
That's how I understood it.

When are you going?
Might be fun to meet and watch each other crash into the displays as we hop around on one foot getting into these things.

Re: R100R 1993

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2013 10:43 pm
by Chuey
Oh, you're going to the San Diego North County (Oceanside) one? If so, I'm planning to go on Thursday morning. I could meet you there most any night after 6:00. My bicycle shop is about five minutes from the location and I close at 6:00. Let me know when you'll be there if you want to meet up. My daytime (work) number is 760-967-4900. Ask for Chuck.


Re: R100R 1993

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:31 am
by Ken in Oklahoma
ME 109 wrote:Not only that Jean, yer can accidentally tie yer boots together and fall over when yer go to get on the bike.
Well, it's theoretically possible.
Ah, ME 109. You do know how to paint a mental picture in a person's mind!

Ya gotta admire that.

Right now I'm imagining a room full of professional politicians, full of avarice and self seeking to satisfy their financial backers, unavoidably cracking up from a fellow politician's mental picture of them doing just what they are trying to hide that they are doing.

The world would be a much better place.

Thanks for trying to save the world ME 109.


Re: R100R 1993

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:53 am
by Souljer
Hi Chuey,

Right now it looks like I'll be there Wednesday morning/afternoon. Depends on traffic but I'm shooting for something like 11AM arrival. I want to have time to hang out and talk, maybe get my Roadcrafter fitted properly and then leave before traffic gets too crazy going home without feeling rushed.

I can send you a PM with my number when I'm there or give you a call at work.
Maybe you can step away for lunch?

Re: R100R 1993

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 8:59 am
by Rev Light
I have used lace up boots for 20+ years with no issue. I suppose the trick is how to tie them up. No long loose hoops to trip yourself up with......Seems far too sensible to me. I actually only use one lace tied at the bottom of the boot and once I have threaded it through all the holes I need - say every other one - I loop it round the top of the boot and tie it off with a half hitch. Simples. The bitter end is only and inch or too long....

Slip - on boots will not still be on your feet when you need them most.

Aerostich, looks good in some of the more subdued colours and I am aware that they are a quality product. But I am not sure I would be wanting to wear it much when I had reached my destination. And I would probably have nowhere to put it.

I could never afford Aerostitch, here in the UK, by the time I had paid the post and the duty, I would have to sell one of my kidneys. I could barely justify half that sort of money. Does that make me stupid? No, it makes me poor. Or less wealthy. Or with a wife and two kids, slightly overstretched.

Fortunately, gone are the times I need to ride and bike in all weathers. I can ride when I want to, just for the fun or it when its nice.

It also means I can reduce my exposure to the risks of driving in bad weather/low visibility and in heavy traffic. Which is nice.

Being clever is about weighing up the risks, taking what you regard are appropriate precautions and provisions, i.e. positioning yourself where you feel comfortable, doing what you are doing.

Is that freedom of choice? Or is that not allowed.....

Re: R100R 1993

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 11:20 am
by Chuey
Lace up boots are fine with me. I have a pair which I tie up, pull the loops 'til they're long as they can practically be and then tuck them into the tops of the boots. I do that because it looked like the loops would be a problem without having to have gone through the experience.

The choice is there to wear what one wants. That does not change what works and how well they work. Just because someone enthuses about something, that does not mean that anyone who does not agree, or who does not have that product, is lesser or wrong.


Re: R100R 1993

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 5:32 pm
by Major Softie
Rev Light wrote: Slip - on boots will not still be on your feet when you need them most.
Absolutely true. Hopefully no one thought that those of us warning against laces were suggesting slip-ons. That's why the enormous majority of "real" motorcycle boots have zippers or buckles.

Laces on high boots are much easier to keep out of the way. Laces on just-over-the-ankle boots are more likely candidates for a Laugh-In moment.

Group ride and leaking carb. !

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 5:31 am
by Souljer

Thanks for the warning on the laces. I'll watch for that. I have both pull-on (tall) and lace-up (tall and not-so-tall). Don't have any that are "just" over the ankles except a pair I use as dress shoes, so I rarely wear them.

Thought you all might appreciate a story about being the oldest in a group of riders and riding the only bike in that group that was made in the last century. If you hate stories about individuals who follow their own style and 20 year old BMW motorcycles, stop reading now.

Last Saturday I went on my first group ride with a group I found on-line.
I've been practicing and noticing improvements from practice and advice I've gotten here and on other sites. While I love the bike more and more I am also learning that the worst part of it is the nut connecting the saddle to the handlebars! I'm often rolling my eyes at myself... oh, well. I finally felt confident enough in myself and the bike to try riding with others so I gear up and head out. I already knew the ride was going to be mostly streets, which I was comfortable with and I also know the route and location. I've driven those streets many, many times through the years.

I show up at the meeting spot.
I roll up (we met at a gas station) and the back wall is solid sports bikes. Mingling about are children! I mean youngsters less than 30 or 40 years old.
I have a good internal laugh.

I turn off the bike but I'm still on it as I talk with a couple of the nearest guys, one of them I later find out is the ride organizer. He seems to reluctantly welcome me. While I'm talking the other guy says, "You're leaking oil or something...". I look down and see fuel dribbling from the right carb. I say "Oh yeah, I have to turn this off...", as I reach down and turn off the petcocks. Since my feet were on the ground and not the pegs, it missed my boot this time. It's happened before and I've been managing it by turning off the fuel before arriving or at least a few seconds before shutting down and then parking the bike on the center stand. I noticed that parking the bike on the side stand virtually guarantees it will leak.
One of these things is not like the others...

I park the bike at the end of the row. By the time I get it up on the center stand it's not leaking and the embarrassing evidence has evaporated. I try to casually mingle with the youngsters. I felt like an immortal giant mingling with a bunch of kittens. And they act just as friendly; nice and welcoming, so I start to relax. I end up talking to a few even though I feel totally out of place.
Oh yeah, You blend!
Got the coat second hand. Now I think it's a bit big on me. Oh well, it was also cheaper than new.

The group organizer comes over to me and shakes my hand and welcomes me. He has a look at my motorcycle, "BMW, huh? That looks fun."
"Oh it is. I'm enjoying it."
He says, "It looks like a cartoon bike". I laugh. He laughs.
30 minutes later we're all on the road. There ends up being about 15 of us.

It took me a bit to get my bearings. There are more things to manage in a group, but I'm quickly right in the last 3 of the group where it's less complicated. I keep up just fine. MSF, DVD and online advise flowing through my head. One of those things I got recently online was to keep the revs around 3000. I was not doing that before. This day, in traffic, that advice was very helpful. I notice several of the other riders making mistakes that I've been warned against. We all stick together except when the group is cut up by lights, etc.

These guys seemed very organized. I guess using their phones and headsets they could communicate with each other. The main group members seemed to have specific jobs and certain riders were meant to stay towards the front, middle or rear of the group. There was always a "sweeper" who followed last to make sure no one got left behind. For example when I lost my original sweeper, who had to go to the bank, another rider dropped back to take his place. She insisted I move ahead so she could follow. If some of us got caught at a light, she could tell the leaders to slow or stop so our smaller group could catch up.

One time she pulls up next to me at a light. We start talking. She suddenly says, "Gee, my bike's getting hot or something". I notice her touching her leg and the side of the bike that's facing me. I say, "That's probably heat from my bike. These things sticking out are the heads and the bike is cooled by radiating heat from all these fins". "Really? Hey, I think you're right. It's not hot on the other side". I laugh internally.
Out of the way! 60 hp comin' through!!
By the way, what do I do about the rusty headers? Is that normal? Will they fail? Should I replace them?

We reach the location, Griffith Park Observatory and after parking the group is free to wander around. I've taken off and stowed my coat, helmet and gloves. Since they all know each other they sort of break up into a few small groups. I'm kind of on my own but I see several of them walking by, leaving the parking lot with their heavy gear.
I ask, "What's happening now? Why are you taking your helmets and jackets?"
One says, "Because we don't want them stolen."
Another says, "Because we don't have those", pointing to my panniers. I smile internally and enjoy my freedom; wandering around carrying nothing but a bag of trail mix and my bottle of water.

We end up leaving about an hour later. Within minutes we are going back down hill but my motorcycle is sputtering and dieing. No. Now it's dead. I have the clutch in and am coasting down the hill. Rolling my eyes at myself, I reach down and turn the petcocks back on. I give it some throttle and hit the ignition. The bike wakes up and no one is the wiser (please don't tell anyone about this! 8-) ) We end up having lunch nearby and then breaking up to head home. Before we all leave the parking lot most of them walk over to me and say good-bye, shaking my hand. Even some of the guys that I did not even get to talk to much. Very nice of them. It's a long solo ride for me through the city. It's about 4:30 and the sun is low. I know the city very well and I ride home picking a longer route. I'm alone. It's easy. I'm happy.
Just thought I'd share that. Forgive me if you've heard it all before.

Re: R100R 1993

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 7:32 am
by ME 109
Hey man, that was really good, keep it up. :P

That guy that looks like father Christmas without a beard and no hat, was he last? :lol:

Re: R100R 1993

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2013 3:11 pm
by Souljer

Thanks. Glad you enjoyed that.
Not sure who was father Christmas. You mean the guy in the red and white Ducati suit? He was riding a modern super Ducati 9-something I think (at the other end of the row, not pictured). He was faster than the rest I think. It was his first time riding with this group also. Several of them had full suits like that or at least the jacket and full-face helmets. That's why I felt so mismatched with these guys in my second-hand Falstaff, 3/4 helmet, and old bike. I'm okay with that actually, I wasn't concerned with my clothes. I found it amusing when everyone there had very similar bikes and gear. I often wear a kilt and boots because I like it. So I'm not scared or worried about fitting in, but I'm secure with myself in that rig. Here I am still concerned with my skills on the bike. Not like everyone else is generally better and acceptable to the zombies if one is also skilled at what we're doing. My bike will probably never be faster than the smallest of those on the highway even if it's a super cool cafe and no matter what color I paint it. However if I can keep up, brake, swerve, and perform tight U-turns, I can hold my own in a city ride.

When we were eating lunch a few of them mentioned I should get a full-face helmet. I replied that the police usually ride with only a 3/4 helmet and you don't often hear of them having problems. She replied, "Yes but they are highly, super trained".
I replied, "Then I need to be highly trained".
Not saying I'm against a full helmet, I have one on the way, but I think that the solution to unskilled crashes is not to wear more gear. It's to get some skills. THEN wear more gear 'cuz that's good too.
I noticed that this girls bike and a few of the other bikes had damage to the tanks and fairings...

So what about the leaking carburetor and what to do about the rusty headers?
Maybe the float is sticking? I also notice that when stopped the idle is a bit rough? The fairing shakes quite a bit. Under speed it smooths out. I was thinking of using some ethanol or some sort of cleaner to clean up any carbon and varnish in the system. I did that with my truck and it ran a lot smoother. At a light I could hardly feel the engine. I thought it had stalled. No, it was simply not vibrating like before.

For the headers, should I just sand them back to metal so they are not so black and rusty? I know I've seen others with new pipes, but they soon discolor and I guess will eventually turn black.

Are you the one who mentioned 3000rpm? That turned out to be very... healthy advise. Thanks.