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Re: '76 60/6 - deleting steering damper

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 12:20 pm
by Major Softie
Airbear wrote:
My name is Charlie and I am a proud hoarder of interesting objects that may come in handy one day.
Hi, Charlie!.

Re: '76 60/6 - deleting steering damper

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 12:26 pm
by jagarra
I have to admit, sometimes finding a use for some items has taken 35-40 years. I do have a problem, you should have seen me when our parts department scrapped stuff and set it out in the back lot. So I agree to take my punishment.


Re: '76 60/6 - deleting steering damper

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 11:52 am
by Ken in Oklahoma
Well, this has been a great thread. It's satisfying to know that there are a lot of 'stuff' accumulators out there, or at least out there in the part of the world that I prefer to occupy. Chances are that this new found support will stay with me for a looong time.

So with this self-aware/self-assured point of view, my next task is to get my contractor brother-in-law to build me the two storage sheds behind my shop in Boise like he said he would do, but hasn't done so far.


Re: '76 60/6 - deleting steering damper

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:15 pm
by Airbear
Hmm, Stuff Accumulation does sound a little better than Hoarding, doesn't it?

Donald Trump and his ilk are into wealth accumulation. And power accumulation. And expensive wife accumulation. Who's to say that they are any happier than a humble (and proud) Stuff Accumulator in that moment when he fondles that odd bit of metal for the first time; the one with two different sized holes at one end and a right angle bend at the other. The joy of pondering where its place will one day be, what use it will find, and importantly, where it should be stored so it can be found again when required ...

I need another shed too.

Re: '76 60/6 - deleting steering damper

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 8:50 am
by jagarra
We could call all our stuff " Currently Reserved Articles Potential Service" or CRAPS as our other half may refer to it. We are just the administrator for the inventory. :D :D

Re: '76 60/6 - deleting steering damper

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 10:05 am
by Duane Ausherman
I have been a CRAP collector for most of my life. Now I am down to nearly nothing and loving it. I can almost put everything I own in my car.

Re: '76 60/6 - deleting steering damper

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 7:32 pm
by opus451
C.R.A.P.S. - too good.

"Stuffers" will inevitably be the street lingo as it morphs with mass usage.
Can you all live with being Stuffers?

And apologies...I just had to:

As a child of a Stuffer, I've moved in the "all my worldly stuff fits in my car" direction as well.
But somehow find more weekends than I now care to think about, volunteered to deal with the Ole Man's stuff!
The price for storing my Beemer stuff in the midst of his varied lot of stuff. Which of course includes the mandatory shoe box full of rusty nails and screws that every member must possess, and one day pass on.

Re: '76 60/6 - deleting steering damper

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 1:45 am
by Airbear
Good one, Eric. Carlin knows Stuff.

Perhaps the term "Stuffist" will emerge. Stuffism ... Stuffistry ... The One True Stuff ...

I think the suggestion of deeply held religious belief may be useful. One could be 'called' to Stuffism and be held in very high regard, rather than just being a poor sod with more useless crap than shed space.

Re: '76 60/6 - deleting steering damper

Posted: Thu May 12, 2016 5:38 pm
by Major Softie
Airbear wrote:Good one, Eric. Carlin knows Stuff.

Perhaps the term "Stuffist" will emerge. Stuffism ... Stuffistry ... The One True Stuff ...

I think the suggestion of deeply held religious belief may be useful. One could be 'called' to Stuffism and be held in very high regard, rather than just being a poor sod with more useless crap than shed space.
Yeah, Stuffistry sounds like a philosophy, and no one takes those guys seriously. If you want respect (and donations), you have to form a religion.

Re: '76 60/6 - deleting steering damper

Posted: Fri May 13, 2016 10:36 am
by Ken in Oklahoma
Major Softie wrote:Yeah, Stuffistry sounds like a philosophy, and no one takes those guys seriously. If you want respect (and donations), you have to form a religion.
Forming the religion would be easy enough. Getting donations from your 'flock' well, that could be a bit difficult. I don't quite know how to go about it, but somehow including 'free' sex in the equation would go a long way to making the religion successful. Just make sure the supplier of the free sex is good looking.

Oh, and make sure that those monetary contributions exceed some minimum requirement. It wouldn't exactly be 'free' sex any longer but that shouldn't be a show stopper since it is, after all, an 'offering'.

Sort of a 'church-with-'benefits'. There was a time when I would have joined such a church.
