Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 9:17 am
Just wondering...
In your part of the world, what are the most common moving pylons?
What is a moving pylon, you ask?
Well, imagine you are riding along a country 2-laner, beautiful day, cruising along at 10 or 20 (or maybe more) over the speed limit, not a care in the world. You're passing the odd cager or RV that's cruising a bit slower, not an issue. Then for no reason there appears a string of vehicles in front of you, and now everyone is moving a few klicks below the speed limit. The gap between all vehicles has become dangerously close and It now feels like you're in a funeral parade or something similar. You pass one car, then another few when it's safe to do so, and gradually filter your way though to the front of the pack. Finally you pass the pylon that is holding everyone up and lo and behold, guess what kind of vehicle it is? Well. in this part of the world, it seems, more often than not, that it's either a Harley dweeb that has no clue that there's a string of vehicles behind him or a Can-Am Spyder 3 wheel POS. They have mirrors but use them only to refresh their make-up I think. Does this scenario reflect your experiences in your neck of the woods and why does this happen? Commence discussion.
Just wondering...
In your part of the world, what are the most common moving pylons?
What is a moving pylon, you ask?
Well, imagine you are riding along a country 2-laner, beautiful day, cruising along at 10 or 20 (or maybe more) over the speed limit, not a care in the world. You're passing the odd cager or RV that's cruising a bit slower, not an issue. Then for no reason there appears a string of vehicles in front of you, and now everyone is moving a few klicks below the speed limit. The gap between all vehicles has become dangerously close and It now feels like you're in a funeral parade or something similar. You pass one car, then another few when it's safe to do so, and gradually filter your way though to the front of the pack. Finally you pass the pylon that is holding everyone up and lo and behold, guess what kind of vehicle it is? Well. in this part of the world, it seems, more often than not, that it's either a Harley dweeb that has no clue that there's a string of vehicles behind him or a Can-Am Spyder 3 wheel POS. They have mirrors but use them only to refresh their make-up I think. Does this scenario reflect your experiences in your neck of the woods and why does this happen? Commence discussion.