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R26 opinions sought

Posted: Thu Feb 11, 2021 10:41 pm
by Bob likes cats
Hi folks, I've just discovered this forum. Salutations from sunny (& dry) South Australia.
I've got an R26 in poor condition that I'm thinking of having another go at.
I won't be starting disassembly for a while so obviously I don't yet know what I've actually got.
When previously running a long time ago it vibrated very badly, eventually breaking a frame twice. It's now laid up in this condition.
I'm aware that the R26 has a reputation for vibration & that there are cases of mismatched crankshaft assemblies. I hope this is what I eventually find.
I have an R27 barrel & head & I'd appreciate ideas as to whether fitting the rubber mounted head would help with vibration?
I also have what I'm told is an R27 crank. Is this assembly better balanced, & would it go in the R26?
The idea here is to get information & opinions before I start work.
Hope people can help.

Re: R26 opinions sought

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2021 12:39 am
by richard t
I can't answer your question but welcome to group, We're going in a blizzard here in Oklahoma USA expecting 10 to 20 in of snow and sub 0 temps

Re: R26 opinions sought

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2021 4:56 pm
by Airbear
Gidday Bob, and welcome aboard.

Since you like cats, here's a gratuitous picture of Michael of the Jungle:


The BMW singles are just about the prettiest bikes in the universe. I know bugger all about them except that I have lustful feelings when I see one. Sigh.

Sadly, this forum is a shadow of its former self. It's still fun at times and some good knowledgeable mechanics still attend. But for your specific R26 questions it may be worth posting over on ADVrider > Bikes > Old's Cool > Airheads:

Best of luck with it. Do hang around here and contribute. Show us your bike (and cat/s) please.

Re: R26 opinions sought

Posted: Fri Feb 19, 2021 8:53 pm
by Bob likes cats
Thanks for the replies people. Richard, it's a pity we can't meet to swap some weather around to average things out, it's bloody hot here.
Airbear, Michael appears to have his surroundings arranged to his satisfaction. I'm currently running 2 pussycats, probably enough in incipient old age. Incompetence in computerese prevents me putting up my own gratuitous shots.
But this place is about motorbikes, & I must agree that those little singles are so cute. All these years I've wished I liked it but never actually could. Because it was such a horrible runner, I find it hard to believe that BMW could've sold 30,000 bikes as crook as mine.
But the aforementioned old age makes me think it'd make a good Old Bastard's Bike if it could only be made to run smoother, hence the enquiries here. And thanks for the suggestion of ADVrider. There's a lot of R26 stuff on it & I expect to debut there shortly.
I should close this by mentioning my BMW credentials. For some years I ran an R75/6 & loved it, in addition to an ultimately futile attempt to get a very sick 69s going. Currently campaigning an 883 Sportster & a 1941 BSA M20.