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Slinger service...... I win!

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 1:05 pm
by nhoj
cranky.jpg (92.34 KiB) Viewed 3477 times
Update to those interested....
Ripped down 2 /2's this weekend!
I've been fearful of my lack of skills in this arena....
but read up on the procedure, was kindly loaned the Ed Korn tool set, and both engines went very smooth!
'61 R50 & my '64 R60... (figured we would get two birds stoned at once, since we had the tools.)

and boy, me and my buddy Matt, sure dodged some bullets.
all slingers, in both engines... packed to the brim.

by other buddy brought by the dismantled Isetta engine... a lot of interesting differences...
twice as many cooling fins... thanks all, for sound advice and support.
now i just need to throw $600-$800 at the engine in the form of new pistons and bore job,
and i will have a happy bike by springtime...!

Re: Slinger service...... I win!

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 4:58 pm
by Deleted User 287
That is great news, nhoj!

I'm betting you are the one on the right, with the black glasses? :)

Re: Slinger service...... I win!

Posted: Mon Dec 13, 2010 6:34 pm
by Major Softie
I was wondering if he's the slightly silly looking one in the apron, or the super silly looking one. :mrgreen:

Re: Slinger service...... I win!

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 8:40 am
by nhoj
i am sporting the apron...

Re: Slinger service...... I win!

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 10:36 am
by Duane Ausherman
nhoj, congrats on getting your feet wet.

I am puzzled. If the slingers were full, what is your evidence that you "dodged some bullets?" You may have come out OK, or you may need the cranks rebuilt. How did you test them?

It is basically impossible to perform any test that is fully accurate without disassembling the crank.

Re: Slinger service...... I win!

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 11:33 am
by nhoj
truth be told, i THINK we dodged some bullets, as in i've run this engine for 10 years, and it has not blown up.
i should have done this then, but was young and dumb(ER).
of course you are right, when it comes to lack of evidence...
but being on a feeble budget, I'm planning on cleaning the beejezus out of everything, and hoping for another 10 years.
Lacking the desire and means to rip the crank apart, to see what damage is or isn't,
i'm gonna reassemble, pray to the Germanic gods, and hope for the best.

ps.. i do intend to check trueness of crank, and proper runout of flywheel.
the big ends 'feel' good.. no play... so... gonna give it a go. -j

Re: Slinger service...... I win!

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 2:09 pm
by Major Softie
I've seem photos (I thiink on Vech's site) showing the results of full slingers ruining crank bearings, and you can see how the particles have backed up into the oil gallery. If you saw that you'd know you were screwed. If you didn't, you may be fine, but it's true that it's hard to be certain.

Re: Slinger service...... I win!

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 3:01 pm
by Deleted User 287
nhoj wrote:i am sporting the apron...
I never thought such a normal-looking person would spell their name backwards.

"Everyone seems normal until you get to know them." ~ unknown

Re: Slinger service...... I win!

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 10:32 pm
by Duane Ausherman
njoh, you say that there is no rod play. How did you test it for play? One must first clean out all of the oil. Then blow out the cleaning fluid to allow the rod to move freely. Then pull the rod towards onself gently while tapping on it with a rubber mallet. If you hear a click as the rod hits the other side, it is loose, but often won't show up with the oil filling up the play. A new or rebuilt crank won't do that.

It can still run for awhile, but it is on its way to being bad.

Re: Slinger service...... I win!

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 6:27 pm
by rdnhaz
You were LOANED the Ed Korn Many-In-One toolset? I've got the wrong friends. Is there a way to even rent the tool set? I'd like to pull my R60 apart in May with the set, return the tools while I get the work on the internals done then rent the toolset to reassemble it. Who does that? I know its $222 on Ebay and if I own an R60 I should not try to be so cheap but if I get it together I hope to get 10-15 years out out of it at 1000mi/yr. I am in S. Central NH, a virtual hotbed of /2s - OK a warm bed. There must be tools nearby that are sitting in someone's shop just gathering dust.